Content Editor

What are the 3 R's of editing?
What are the 3 R’s of editing? (replacement reduction and refinement)
Introduction Image editing is an art, no doubt about it. Aesthetics and design sense require a decent level of in-born orientation for beauty, appeal, color coordination, symmetry, and artistic expression. However, a lot of art, especially commercial art is produced...
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Dynamic CGI with Real-Time Rendering
Dynamic CGI with Real-Time Rendering
Dynamic CGI with Real Time Rendering: What You Need to Know Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) is a way to create realistic and beautiful graphics, animations and effects. For various applications such as games, movies, simulations and engineering projects. Also real-time...
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Interior design with AI-driven CGI
Interior design with AI-driven CGI
Introduction When it first came of age in the 1980s, Computer Generated Imagery, or CGI was seen as expensive computer wizardry for specialized applications like Hollywood movies, medical imaging, Defense and Aeronautics applications, and other such exotic ventures. By the...
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A unified approach to packaging artwork management
A unified approach to packaging artwork management
Introduction Packaging artwork management is the process of creating, reviewing, approving and releasing the artwork that goes on the packaging of various products. It involves multiple stakeholders such as designers, marketers, regulators, printers and customers. In this blog let's explore...
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How to create dynamic and interactive packaging design to drive customer engagement
How to create dynamic and interactive packaging design to drive customer engagement
Introduction Packaging graphic design can make a product stand out from the crowd. Convey its unique value proposition, and create an emotional connection with the target audience that influences purchase decisions. Let's examine How to create dynamic and interactive packaging...
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How to Use Image Editing to Tell a Compelling Story About your Brand
How to Use Image Editing to Tell a Compelling Story About your Brand
Introduction A brand story is more than just a catchy slogan or a flashy logo. It is a narrative that communicates the essence of your brand, its values, personality, and purpose. It helps you connect with your audience on an...
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Raw & Real: How to create the Unedited look for 2023
Raw & Real: How to create the Unedited look for 2023
Introduction Last month we ran an article about how to create a natural, unedited look for professional photographs. The response was tremendous, with folks writing in to ask us step by step instructions! There were also calls for a follow-up...
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Top insights of the Packaging Industry
Top insights of the Packaging Industry
The packaging industry is one of the great “unseens”. We all know packaging is everywhere and Top insights of the Packaging Industry, but the industry behind it somehow never captures as much attention and mindspace as some others. As of...
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Digital Publishing trends in 2023
Digital Publishing trends in 2023
Things continue to evolve in the Digital Publishing industry in new, exciting ways. New data-driven solutions are emerging to improve customer acquisition and engagement. The major areas of innovation seem to be around new revenue models, data security, multi-generational engagement,...
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Upcoming biggest packaging trends we could witness
Upcoming biggest packaging trends we could witness
Packaging is a dynamic field. Marketing, cost, and regulatory pressures keep the industry on its toes. While a black swan event like the Covid-19 Pandemic and its aftermath might have been a “New Normal” for the general populace. The packaging...
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