Transforming images, Is photo retouching going to help your brand?

Transforming images is photo retouching going to help your brand?

We have all heard about celebrities having their photos retouched to be able to put out the images they wish to see on their social media. The same goes for any brand these days. Most brand pictures are retouched or digitally transformed pictures to be able to attain the right image for their products. Before we head into why this helps build your brand. Let us first understand what photo retouch, and digitally transformed pictures are.

Photo retouching essentially means when you edit a picture. You are able to fix the image to remove imperfections, shadows, highlights, glares, etc. This retouching can include colour & tone correction, and blemish removal, it could also involve airbrushing, background editing, and much more.

Photo editing is similar to retouching wherein the photo is adjusted, cropped, and changes made in temperature colour, or exposure. This can be followed by overall enhancement of the style & look of the image. That could mean changing the colour scheme, toning, or vignetting. All of this constitutes digitally transforming pictures. 

How does all of this help build your brand image? Let us tell you. 

Around 70% of customers claim that they make product-based decisions. This is based on the image quality of the product they are looking to purchase.

This is precisely why so many brands are willing to invest their time & efforts into getting the perfect images of their products, alluring, crisp & dynamic images to be able to flaunt the best parts of their products & brand. 

Also, your images will be used as a reference whenever your brand is being talked about. So using stock photos is not ideal. While creating your brand image takes a lot of effort, that same effort needs to be translated well into your images. Your passion, vision & goals need to reflect your brand entirely.

Most importantly a good image will be able to amplify your brand on social media, with image retouching your subject can be made to look more appealing. The more appealing the image the more attention it grabs on social media. These days aesthetic images are sought after, and the aesthetic appeal of your brand can be increased by digitally transforming your images & adding elements that will make your image pop and have a lasting impact on your targeted audience.


your brand pictures will be able to carry your brand to the masses. When digitally transformed, these pictures will make a lasting impression and increase the shareability factor of your image & by association your brand’s association. Social media is fast-paced and extremely visual in nature and to cater to such an audience image retouching. Its extremely important that your brand pictures and using photo retouch can be a very important tool. We at Manipal Digital are masters of this craft and are ready to support you fully to help you build your brand image.

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